Meet the Team

Rebecca A. Palacios, Ph.D., National Board Certified Teacher and Sumya Ojakli are co-founders of the Somos Uno imprint and limited liability corporation.

  • Co-Founder

    Dr. Rebecca Palacios is a National Teacher Hall of Fame inductee, National Board Certified Teacher, and leading expert in early childhood education. With over four decades of experience, she is a pioneer in the field of dual language learning and specializes in curriculum planning and instructional design.

    In addition to co-founding and formerly serving as vice-chairperson of The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards—an organization that has certified more than 110,000 teachers. She also serves as a Curriculum Board Member for Age of Learning, the leading education technology company that created Early Learning Academy, and owns her own consulting business, Palacios Educational Consulting. She is the author of a family engagement book to be released in 2022: A Child's First Teacher.

    She has presented at the local, state, national and international levels. Dr. Palacios also has dual language book series in progress and hopes to release the first book in May, 2022. She was the first Latina to be inducted into the National Teacher Hall of Fame in 2014.

  • Co-Founder, Literary Agent

    Sumya is recognized as an efficient business development strategist, innovator, manager and team player who drives strategic partnerships and transactions to accelerate growth.

    A visionary brand builder and inventive business strategist, Sumya has worked with corporations, non-profits and individuals building programs, products and partnerships that are sustainable and impactful. Through market and trend analysis, competitive dynamics, value proposition strategies, corporate storytelling and tailored launch initiatives, she leads businesses to realize goals.

    A focused listener, Sumya pinpoints a company’s key problems and hurdles, identifies areas of collaboration, drives innovation and unlocks shared value. She uses a unique lens to create practical, measurable solutions to incubate new ideas while building and maintaining broad based relationships with senior management, internal business units and industrial professional networks. She works to develop initiatives and programs that result in a compelling portfolio of growth opportunities.